Taste the Island - A Celebration of Ireland's Food and Drink - 2019 Buyers Guide
Business Details Footfalls Walking Holidays Ltd, Castleview, Trooperstown, Roundwood, Bray, Co.Wicklow GPS/Post Code: A98 TW31 T + 353 (0) 404 45152 E info@walkinghikingireland.com W www.walkinghikingireland.com Business Contacts: Christopher and Teresa Stacey Experience Half day guided walk through TheWicklowWay, Ireland’s Ancient East much loved trail, telling the story of Ireland’s early Christian heritage. Considered The Garden of Ireland, walkers enjoy calm scenery, flora and fauna through broad-leaf forests, heather clad hills, remote valleys and lakes of Glendalough before stopping in the village of Annamoe, for tea and fresh buttermilk scones to catch up with the locals. Onwards to a local Wicklow farm, for an insight into rural life of a small farm holding followed by a sheepdog demonstration with ‘Brandy’, returning for lunch, to search for a taste of Wicklow’s finest spring lamb. Pricing From € 40 per person No min./max. numbers. Tour operator rate : Yes FIT Rate:Yes Ad Hoc Group Rate: Yes Tour Series Rate:Yes Also offer self guided tours in most parts of Ireland. Group bookings Contact: (As above) Opening Details & Refreshment From 0800hrs every day except 25 Dec. Parking, Access/Ability & Special Requirements Large car park and coach parking available. All walks are over terrain that is not wheelchair friendly. Reasonable level of fitness required. Waterproof rain gear, walking boots or strong shoes required. Refreshments available. Transport Bus Eireann www.transportforireland.ie Nearest Accommodation Hub Glendalough Hotel (1hr’s drive from Dublin) www.discoverireland.ie Experiences Nearby Avon Ri Adventure Centre (40 mins drive from Annamoe) www.avonri.com Blessington Lakeside Heritage Trail (30mins drive from Annamoe) Powerscourt House and Gardens (30mins drive from Glendalough) www.powerscourt.com FootfallsWalking Tours 47 SECT ION 7 – ACT IVI T I ES
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