Failte Ireland - Ireland Buyers Guide 2018

GARDENS OF IRELAND’S ANCIENT EAST The Gardens of Ireland’s Ancient East are restorative, calming and filled with tales of passionate designers and big-house drama. Nursed back to life by the milder weather, these oases of horticultural mastery invite you to slow down, switch off and get lost amidst a rainbow of flowers, jade-green grass and scented woodlands. Walk the paths of gardens like Mount Usher and Mount Congreve that weave through the 100s-acre demesnes in spring and you’ll be wowed by the bursts of colour, steeped in history along winding rivers. Stand at the upper stone terrace in Powerscourt Estate, and feel like you are in a 19th century painting, overlooked by the Great Sugar Loaf mountain with exquisite green terraces cascading down to Triton Lake, dotted with lily pads. Step back in time and walk the steps of former Lords and Ladies, along the sculptured garden paths, at Johnstown, Lismore, Birr and Huntington Castles. Don’t be surprised if you stay longer than you expect – many of these beautiful gardens harbour pretty tea rooms that make perfect places for lunch. Opt for a garden trail and you can explore some of the greatest gardening hits of Ireland’s Ancient East, or why not time your visit to coincide with an event or festival such as Daffodil Weekend at the end of March! 58 Powerscourt Estate, House & Gardens, Co.Wicklow