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Ireland’s tourism agencies work to ensure that we create the environment and conditions

to make doing business in Ireland as easy as possible for our buyers.

We want to support our industry and buyers in their efforts to grow their revenue and visitor

numbers to Ireland. This is achieved through the recently established Joint Operations Group

where Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland partner in their B2B activities to review international

sales channels, to identify new sales opportunities, sourcing new and niche tour operator

business for Ireland and working to expand programming of existing tour operators

(domestic and international). For Irish industry it includes provision of buyer insights

and trade platforms to maximise their performance, build market share and grow

their international revenue in a sustainable manner.

Some of the supports available include a range of practical supports for international

buyers and those wishing to expand their existing programmes:

• Recommendations for approved ground

handlers/DMC partners

• Digital Library of video and imagery assets

(freely available to use) to help promote


• Online buyer tools – programming

suggestions and directory of saleable


• Pre-qualified supplier introductions

• Familiarisation visits and support in

itinerary development related to our

core brands,

Wild AtlanticWay



A Breath of Fresh Air



Ancient East

• New Products News

• Opportunities to meet Irish industry

at in Ireland and in-market events


Loughcrew Cairns, Co. Meath