The festivals of Ireland’s Ancient East are inspired by the landscape and coloured by its fascinating history,
but offer distinct insights into the arts, crafts, and Agri-food providence of this region, strongly influenced
by its millennia of warring invaders and settlers.
Throughout the bustling colourful towns and villages, across the many market squares, in the gardens of
stately homes and castles over afternoon teas, harvest picnics, foraging feasts or across the many walking
festivals through its lush landscapes of mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes, the festival and events programme
truly brings its past and present to life. Here your clients have the chance to try something new while the
musical heritage influences of Ireland’s Ancient East are showcased through events such as Kilkenny Roots
Festival (April), Cork International Choral Festival (May), Kilkenny Arts Festival (Aug), Cork Folk Festival (Sept/
Oct), Guinness Cork Jazz Festival(Oct) andWexford Opera Festival (Nov).
Cork International Choral Festival is held annually
and welcomes choirs from across the world for a
programme of Gala concerts, Schools Concerts,
National and International Competitions, and world-
class performances, as thousands of participants bring
the city to life for a celebration of choral music in all
its many forms.
One of Europe’s premier international choral festivals,
Cork is noted for its high standards, eclectic and
wide-ranging programme, and the friendliness of its
welcome. Festival events and performances centre
around Cork’s City Hall.
Sinead Dunphy
Wexford Festival Opera is one of the leading opera
festivals in the world. Priding itself on breathing new
life into unjustly neglected operas, it has succeeded
in introducing both artists and audiences to forgotten
masterpieces.With high quality productions which
annually delight both critics and audiences alike, it’s
not to be missed.
The 66thWexford Festival Opera will run for 18 days,
and feature classic performances such as Medea by
Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842), Margherita, by Jacopo
Foroni (1825-1858), and Risurrezione, by Franco Alfano
Booking Contact
David McLoughlin
www.wexfordopera.comFor a full list of festivals and events in Ireland’s Ancient East please go to
page 118.