Glaslough Heritage Trail
Business Details
Office: Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan,
Co. Monaghan.
54.3173° N, 6.8971° W
+353 (0) 47 81122
http://www.monaghantourism.com/index.php/walking/310-glaslough- heritage-trailBusiness Contact
Tourism Officer
Take a walk through Glaslough village which is in the North East corner of Co.
Monaghan and hear stories of the Leslie family and the village community
and the way the two have been closely linked for over 350 years.
Starting beside the Famine Monument and finishing at Saint Salvator’s Church
the trail follows a route of 2 kilometres, open for all to enjoy, around the
village and into the Castle Leslie estate.
The trail reveals many stories of time past and present, telling us why railways
were once the life of rural communities, how superstition once influenced
burial practices and explaining Glaslough’s past role as a centre of agricultural
innovation and market town. It also describes the differences between life
upstairs and downstairs in a great house, and discusses some of the colourful
characters who have stayed in Glaslough over the years.
This easy to follow trail through the village of Glaslough is part of Ireland’s
Ancient East, a network of stories in the landscape stretching back 5,000
Scan the QR code to download the Free App available on
http://www. monaghantourism.com/index.php/walking/310-glaslough-heritage-trailAudio is available in English
Trail information on the App is in English, Irish, German & French.
Trail distance – 2km
Opening Details
Open 365 days a year
Parking, Access/Ability & Special Requirements
Coach parking available. Dress for the weather. Moderate level of fitness
Public Transport
Bus Éireann –
www.transportforireland.ieNearest Accommodation Hub
www.discoverireland.ieNearest Airport
Dublin Airport – 1 hr 20 mins
Trail Kilkenny
Business Details
Kilkenny Trails, 10 St Patrick’s Court, Kilkenny
+353 (0) 56 7752111
http://www.trailkilkenny.ie/activity-trails/scenic-walks/Business Contact
Trail Kilkenny offers a range of ScenicWalks throughout county Kilkenny. Each
has its own character and the terrain will suit different fitness levels. Some are
leisurely walks, taking you through leafy country lanes and across fields to the
riverbank, others offer a more challenging walk up hillside paths to the top of
the Hill with super views of the surrounding countryside.
Trail Kilkenny offers other activity trails to help you discover more of
Kilkenny’s countryside; including river walks on the Nore ValleyWalk and cycle
routes. Bike Hire Operators are in place to supply bikes for groups. Guided
tours in English only.
Minimum loop walk available is 1 hr with options with a range of loop walks
available for 2 hrs-3 hrs and the longest loop walk is 7 hrs.
Self Guided Trails are FREE. Adults
4 per person for guided tours Students/
3 per person for guided tours. Bike hire does require advance booking.
Tour Operator Rate
FIT Rate
Ad Hoc Group Rate
Tour Series Rate
Group bookings Contact
For guided options, email as above
Opening Details & Refreshment
The walking trails are open 365 days.
Parking, Access/Ability & Special Requirements
Coach and car parking facilities available depending on walk location. A mixed
terrain of walking paths may impact persons with mobility limitations. A
reasonable level of fitness is needed. Comfortable walking shoes or boots,
raining coat, water. Suitable clothing for cycling. Refreshments available in
Kilkenny City before departure and at various villages along the trail routes.
Nearest Accommodation Hub
Kilkenny City –
www.discoverireland.ieExperiences Nearby
Kilkenny Castle (2 mins drive)
www.kilkennycastle.ieDunmore Cave (15 mins drive)
www.heritageireland.ie/en/south-east/dunmorecave/Jerpoint Park (20 mins drive)